Bachelor of Business in Retail Management
Name of Institution: QQI
Course Type: Undergraduate
Course Length: 3 years
Course Content
The Bachelor of Business in Retail Management Programme is designed to give a clearly structured business education that provides a solid foundation for success in a retail career. The course, which runs for almost 3 years, provides a strong grounding in fundamental retail business concepts, ideas, practices and methodologies. It features a rich learning environment that involves trainees in comprehensive analysis of business organisations, functions, processes and management techniques with particular emphasis on the retail sector. This programme provides trainees with a solid understanding of retail business theory and practice. The course is underpinned by a comprehensive work-based training programme, which allows trainees to put into practice what they have learned in college. It also provides the knowledge and skills that will enable an effective contribution to the resolution of business problems and will prepare trainees for the challenges posed by the dynamic nature of the modern retail environment.
The Bachelor of Business in Retail Management programme has the following content.
Year 1
Core Modules
Fundamentals of Retail Business and Marketing
IT Operations
Financial and Economic Aspects of Retail Management
Principles of 1st Line Management
Leadership Development
Work Based Learning and Personal Development Workshops
Year 2
Core Modules
Talent Management
Retail Supply Chain Management
The International Retail Environment
Contemporary Retail Management Practices
legal Issues in Retailing
Retail Consumer Behaviour
Work Based Learning and Personal Development Workshops
Year 3
Core Modules
Customer Relationship Management
Retail Management Simulation
Retail Project
Business Intelligence for Retail
Research Methods
Work Based Learning and Personal Development Workshops